
Saturday, August 25, 2018

Undercover Deacon Download in EPub

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Description : Frank Mosely was the typical hustler who chose the streets over an honest life. Coming home to an empty house after his mother died proved to be too much to handle. There was only one way that he knew how to block out the pain and survive in these wicked streets, and that was to go back to where it all began, hugging the block.
Meeting up with one of his boys from the inside and getting put on by his connect, Frank thought that it would be all good. What he didn’t expect was for that decision to set off a chain of events that could possibly send him back to prison for life. If there was one thing he had promised himself, it was that he would never go back to jail. By any means necessary.
Skipping town seemed to be his only option, and he needed to go somewhere where no one knew who he really was or his dark past. What he didn’t expect was for the people of the small town to have such an impact on his life, not all in a good way. The enemy is always roaming and seeking who he can destroy, and he would even use someone in the church to complete his task.
Just as he starts to get comfortable in his new position his past comes rushing in like a flood and he doesn’t know who he can trust. Not only is his life in danger but so are the lives of the people that have come into his life. Will Frank be able to hold himself accountable for his wrong doings and have a sensitive ear to the voice of God? Or will he just continue to play the role in order to keep himself hidden?

Undercover Deacon

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